aleix's blog

diumenge, 10 d’abril del 2011

Last day at home.... :(

It has been really funny, nice, awesome, and all good adjectives that you can say! but tomorrow it is the last day we stay in Holland. I'm sad... but Wesley said me that he will come to Barcelona on this summer holidays :):):):) so we'll see again.
Tomorrow we'll make a party to say godbye! there will be a lot of tears... i know...
well it's time to say godbye!! GODBYE all of us we'll se I dont know where but i hope we'll see again.
Tomorrow we gonna go to Utrecht we'll have a great time and we have to take profit from it...

Demà ja tornu i per molt que els macarrons estigui passats me'ls menjare igual... ;) segurament us enviare la foto ara... gracies per guardarme macarrons... :) weno ya ens veurem el dilluns.... fins dmaaaaa!!!!!!


dissabte, 9 d’abril del 2011

3rd and 4th day!!

Yesterday I didn't write because i was tired... sorry hahahah.
Well yeterday we went to Amsterdam we took a boat by the canal tour and we visited Anna Frank museum and RIjtmuseum (or something like that) it was funny, then we had free time to visit Amsterdam i bought some souvenirs hahha you'll see it!!and then we came back to Calls college...
This mornig I took the bike for the first time in HOlland we spend 45 minutes to go Calls college where we meet Albert and Tjeerd to go paintballing it was funny we I'll come back home i'll explain you all!! really funny . only I can say that Wesley have weared a cow suit and we had to shoot him... hahhahaha i'll explain you all :) and now in 10 minutes i will go to Emely's party! it will be funny ! and nice too.
See you tomorrow!!

Encara que em veu dir que no compres res... no us he fet cas :P esque no em podia resistir déntrar tots en una botiga de suvenirs i no comprar res!! Tinc una cosa Per tots i una pel Kirian... suposes que es??? ja ho veuras.... ;)
Us trobo a faltar!! ( Gràhcias...) xcert quan juga el Barca.... ya em direu quan han quedat pq aqui no compren el diari...

dijous, 7 d’abril del 2011

2nd Day!! funny one

Today was my favorite day of the exchange here in Holland, well I only espend one day here and i feel like at home(but as the reality home there's nothing). I'm gonna explain why it was my favorite day!!:
first i wake up at quarter to seven i had breahfast and all that... we went to the school... a strange school with different lesson times, they can do what they want... like at home... i don't know it's really strange. Well then we played in PE lesson at dutchball in Catalonia we call it "matar. it was funny!! then we finish the schoool day and we went to his home. I haven't had lunch... so i ate few cookies(relieve, delicious) and at 18:00 I had dinner!!! and TUNA PIZZA!! delicious!! and then at 19:00 we were in the swimming pool with all of us there so we had swimming and laughting a lot!! it was funny!! and we were still there untill 21:30 where we went out of the swimming pool!!
and now i'm here!! so ...

see you tomorrow!!

Demà intentare fer fotos, esque encara no he pogut fer!! si faig ja les penjare.... demà encara no se que em toca ni que haig de fer. tinc els ulls clavats a anar fer paintball!!

Adeu!! vaig a dormir!! petons a tothom de la family!!

dimecres, 6 d’abril del 2011


WE arrived at 10 am more or less at the airport then we go to Cals college and we meet with our partners!! funny
we made funny activities and we go home!! there i have dinner at 17:30!!! amazing!! I usually have dinner at 22:00 more or less!! and now I'm watching a soccer match!! (Chelsea Man. Utd)

Well see you tomorrow!!! bye

Visca el Bar(c)a que va gunayant 2-0 al descans contra el XAkhtar!! quina llàstima que no es pugui veure per aqui :(
Petons a els 6!!!! :)

dimarts, 5 d’abril del 2011

I go to sleep soon!!!

Tomorrow is the day!!!! the day we left Barcelona and we go to Holland!!!! Tomorrow I must wake up at 3 pm!! so early!! but it's for a good chance.
yesterday I package my siutcase and now i'm revising the last things!!

I put:

8 T-shirts
4 Jeans
1 PE trouser
2 shirts
1 swimsuit
4 jackets
1 umbrella
1 couple gloves
and Barça's flag!!!!


dilluns, 14 de març del 2011

After a free week,!! not weed ;)...

After a free week the best that you can do is put yourself your "bateries" and start a new term the 3rd!!
Is what i have done. I put my "bateries" and I'm thinking to have better marks than the second term, I think that it's not difficult :( I shpuld be more concentrated in my studies... I know that my second term marks are not well and I know I can do better :(. I'll try it...

While I'm writting this post I'm listening the best reagge song "Welcome to Jamrock" by Damian Marley the son of Bob Marley

It's one of my favourites songs:

This are the first 4 lines of the song:

Welcome to Jamrock, camp whe' da' thugs dem camp at
Two pounds a weed inna van back
It inna your hand bag, your knapsack, it inna your back pack
The smell a give yah girlfriend contact


It left 23 days to go to Holland!!!

diumenge, 9 de gener del 2011

So this is not Christmas :(

Chirstmas Holiday are finishing :(

tomorrow we'll start the 2nd term!!
The Christmas Holidays have been fantastic!! With the family and the family of the family and the family of the family of the family and so on. :)
The 25 and 26 of december I was fed of food with the typical chirstmas soup and the canelonis...and all!! Then the 31 with my grandsfathers at home and the grape!! My grandsfathers got out of my home at 4 of night.
The oders 5 days were normal and the 5 of january my brothers were nervious because of the "Magic Kings". At the morning he waked up and he saw presents on the living room. I only had one present on my home that was a letter that says :"Val per un viatge a Holanda"!! and then at my grandsfathers home I saw a letter that says: "Col·laboració per un viatge a Holanda"!!!
I was really happy!!
So this is a summary of my christmas holidays

See you tomorrow!!!